The ORCID Pilot Project in the UK is a joint project between Jisc and ARMA (Association for Research Managers and Administrators).
Running from May 2014 to January 2015, the project aims to streamline implementation of ORCID in UK HEIs and to develop a best value approach for potential UK wide adoption.
ORCID is a international not-for-profit initiative which seeks to solve the problem of name ambiguity in research and scholarly communications. It does this be providing an open registry of persistant identifiers for researchers and contributers, and providing a mechanism to link individuals to their research outputs, affiliations and activities.
As part of the UK Pilot Project, Jisc and ARMA have invited 8 UK HEIs to act as case studies: Aston University, Imperial College, University of Kent, University of Oxford, Northumbria University, Southampton University, Swansea University, and University of York.
The project at University of York is a collaboration between the Information Directorate and Research and Enterprise.
More information about the Jisc/ARMA pilot project can be found on the project blog.